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Are you a PhD aspirant?
Many nowadays are getting attracted towards Psychology. Some learn it as a fancy, others to supplement the knowledge of psychology to their own area of specialisation and others take it as their main area of study to pursue research, teaching or other applied areas. Psychology had its impact on almost every branch of study. As more and more people from different walks of life learn psychology, the scope of psychology is getting widened. As a result new branches of study are emerging like medical psychology, political psychology, space psychology etc. in the Indian context many people are coming forward to do research in psychology. As earning a PhD is the right choice - to learn how to do research and prepare research papers - it gains importance.
We had the choice to do PhD either in part time or full time mode but distance mode is not allowed according latest UGC regulations. Further part time and full time degrees will be considered as equal. For more details on eligibility criteria, rules and regulation visit
The government is planning to stop M Phil program. Duration of part time mode will be longer than the full time mode. When you opt for full time, you will get more time for reference, easy to get your doubts cleared, more chances to get connected with others who do research and participate in seminars and workshops. But all will not be fortunate enough to pursue full time mode due to family and career commitments. But these people will have an advantage over others in terms of their knowledge in various fields that require research. It varies from topics related to improve their work environment to intimate relationships.
These people may be hesitant to ask others about pursuing a PhD as they feel a lack of self-confidence. For them part time is the right choice. In the part time mode one has to attend the institution in which they registered for a few days in a year. It is available in almost all central, state,deemed and deemed to be universities besides in self financing, autonomous, aided and government colleges. It is also available at IGNOU. http://ignou.ac.in/userfiles/Ph_D_%20Guidelines%20-%20notified-%202019.pdf
Many private universities are also offering Ph D.​ To get admission one has to attend an entrance exam and an interview. Two things need to be taken care before joining.
1) Selection of guide - Some institutions allot the guide for us taking the vacancy into consideration. Always choose a guide who is comfortable for you since guide is an important factor that decides the fate of your research. Sometimes we will have to find a guide ourselves. UGC had recently reduced the intake of research scholars under a assistant professor from 8 to 4 and so there will be a shortage of vacancy. Most private universities allow us to choose a guide of our choice and gives assistance to select a topic. But the cost will be higher.
2) Selection of a tentative topic - After the entrance exam there will be an interview in which you need to present a tentative topic in which you are going to do your research. It is a very important factor. You cant go offhand there. You will have a lot of doubts and confusion while selecting one. I advice you to go through the theses which are submitted in different universities. To read theses submitted in different universities visit
Then review your topic. The scope of study should be specific. In psychology we can have interventional studies and studies that are relational in nature. In interventional studies we need to apply a intervention program to the subjects. For example the impact of TA training on self-confidence. It needs more effort. In relational type we simply find the relationship between two or more psychological variables. For example the impact of parenting style on assertiveness. We measure the factors using tools and do the statistical analysis. Also take care to see that valid tools are available to measure the factors of your study. Selection of subjects also need to be taken care of. The availability of subjects is an important factor. Once you are clear about your topic everything will be easy. Half the work is finished. So dont be hesitant YOU CAN DO IT. Wishes you a great future!
You can browse resources on research methodology here. Research is creating new knowledge. It is an area that calls for your creativity, reasoning, observation, analysis etc. It makes our life more comfortable or it should be so. So join the community of researchers. Anyone can become a researcher in Psychology, provided he had adequate knowledge in the subject and methods of doing research. All the more you need to have the creativity, the quest for knowing and the vision which makes you a genius in this field. So dont hesitate. Create new knowledge while you acquire knowledge. It should be a simultaneous process. Let the genius in you come out and light the world. What we had found in this field is limited and there is a lot to be explored.
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