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Online Services
Online Counselling
Online Therapy

Mens Counselling
Assignment&Project Help

Stress Management
Relationship Management

Emotional Management Coaching
Online Counselling
Why online counselling? It saves your precious time, energy and money. No waiting at the lobby, sit at the comfort of your home and do it. You have the option to do it by remaining completely anonymous. If you are nervous to make a face-to-face consultation with a counsellor, here you have the best option. You can also opt for a video chat through google meet or hang out. You can choose the best among video chat, voice chat, email chat or whats app chat. Just get an appointment, start the chat and see the innumerable number of choices that the life had left before you to choose. We help you to discover it and rediscover your life. The service is limited to persons who are above the age of 18.
Online Therapy
Various modes of therapy service- keeping in view of the requirement of the client and the limitations of the online service – are also available on this platform. Prior counselling is conducted to access the need and nature of therapy for the client. This service will be available only through video chat. A personal data sheet to access the mental health status of the client will be collected from those who opt for this service. The data will be used only for the purpose of therapy.
Mens Counselling
One may feel little curious to know why this service is included as a separate section. Traditionally women are proficient in establishing emotional attachment with others and expressing their emotions. They are more emotionally sensitive than men. Men are traditionally blamed to be more rational in nature. Boys are not supposed to express their emotions through crying and had been taught to act as a brave boy. Crying is considered as girlish and encouraged to stand independent and motivated to be unique. This pattern is followed in adult age too. Men are less likely to share their concerns to others and this creates a lot of stress among them. Here is a platform where every men who seek help will get assistance.
Assignment&Project Help
Apart from counseling and therapy service, everyone who contributes to the body of knowledge in psychology through its study and research can seek assistance. Our vision and mission is to help every human being to lead a happier, safer and satisfied life with the available resources. You can seek help online. Those who want to pursue research in Psychology may consult here. Assistance for doing projects is also done. They may mail their request.
Stress and Relationship Management Counseling
All stress is not unhealthy. An optimum level of stress is needed for our life, which is termed as eustress. But beyond that it become distress that cause harm to our body and mind. When you hold on to a stressor for a longer time, it becomes distress. It is like holding a glass of water for hours together. Distress had become the hallmark of modern society. Learn to manage stressors and stress here. Relationship management is a skill to be developed. Many of the clients who come for counseling seek relationship management counseling. Proper communication skills and effective management of emotions are the key skills that need to be acquired for effective relationship management. Learn it here.
Emotional Management Coaching
Some people find it difficult to manage one’s emotions. Proper management of emotions is a skill. It is the golden gate for you to rediscover the beauty of life. Emotions are natural response of one’s body. No emotions are bad. Emotion is the medium through which we enjoy our life. The way we express it - to whom, how, when, where, why, how much-matters. It can save as well as kill people. Those who find difficult to manage their emotions such as anger can seek help here. Find more resources on emotional management from the blog.